The Courage to Keep Going

What Will You Do After You Get Hit by a Truck? Yep! Brooke Ran 1,600kms for Mental Health!

Life doesn’t give you a warning. It just hits you. HARD. And when it knocked Brooke McIntosh flat, most people would’ve stayed down. But Brooke? She got back up and ran—1,600 kilometers to raise awareness and $75k for mental health. Why? Because that brutal wake-up call was exactly what she needed to snap out of a place so dark she was ready to give up.

When life hits you hard, it’s easy to feel like you’ve hit rock bottom. Brooke found herself struggling with suicidal ideation, anxiety, and PTSD. But when she got hit, that’s when she realized she didn’t want to die; she just wanted to be found. That can be your wake-up call too (but you don’t have to get hit by a truck to hear it). You don’t have to stay stuck. You can CHOOSE to rise, even when it seems impossible. Ask yourself, “What impact am I leaving behind?” That question became her turning point.

Brooke didn’t stay in the darkness. She chose to fight, step by painful step. And her mantra? JUST ONE MORE. One more reason to keep fighting. One more reason to push forward. One more reason to rise. And with every step, she proved to herself and others that it’s not about being perfect, it’s about refusing to quit.

Brooke doesn’t just talk about doing hard things; she DOES them.

In 2023, she ran 1,600 kilometers over 28 days—60 kilometers a day, every single day. It wasn’t easy, and there were times she wanted to quit. But here’s the truth: DISCIPLINE is about showing up when you’d rather stay in bed, when it hurts, when it’s EASIER to quit. Every single step she took was a reminder that showing up—even when you’re exhausted—moves you CLOSER to your goals.

Brooke’s Courage to Take on Challenges

Courage is not the absence of fear, but taking on challenges even when you’re afraid. It’s saying “yes” when others say “no,” and finding the STRENGTH to do what others won’t.

Real courage comes in saying no to what drains you—relationships, situations, and even habits that no longer serve your VISION. It’s found in ending toxic relationships when your values no longer align, and having those uncomfortable conversations that lead to growth. Every time you push through discomfort, you’ll find that the rewards are WORTH the struggle.

JUST ONE MORE: A Way of Life

“JUST ONE MORE” is Brooke’s lifeline. It helped her turn suicidal ideations into a purpose-driven life. It’s what fueled her through 1,600 kilometers for mental health.

Whether it’s a difficult conversation or a long day, just keep moving forward—even if it’s just one more step. That’s where growth starts.

Turning Pain Into Purpose

Brooke’s been through hell and back. And instead of hiding her scars, she wears them proudly. She’s running for everyone who’s battling silently, for those who feel like they can’t keep going, and for anyone who needs to hear that it’s okay to ask for help. Brooke believes it’s NOT WEAK TO SPEAK.

Sometimes the hardest battles are the ones we fight within ourselves. But when you turn your pain into purpose, it no longer controls you. Let it drive you forward. Your story can inspire someone else who feels like they’re alone.

So, the next time life knocks you down, ask yourself: What will you do after you get hit by a truck? Because Brooke’s answer was simple: Go JUST ONE MORE. 

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